Thursday, May 1, 2014

Vietnam Village - training site

Here's the Vietnam Village at Camp Crockett in 1967. This was a training site used for various purposes, including tactical tasks such as guerrilla and counter-guerrilla warfare.


  1. I cannot remeber much about Camp Crockett, but this photo did jog a memory of the village. I don't remember any other ranges or training locations. I was there in Jan/ Feb 69.

  2. There in July-August...remembering the walk down the road showers fed by the lake ? Hot, hot hot humid Georgia summer ! From there almost the entire company (except those who failed the PT test or changed their minds ) went to jump school at Ft Benning where some went to lrrp school, some door gunner school and 5 of us went to Ft. Bragg for Seventh Special Forces training group. Remainder were sent to Viet Nam
